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- 100 poke53280,0:poke53281,0:poke 650,128:print"[147]":print chr$(14)
- 110 print"[159] [211]ecurity [214]2.00[157][157][157][157][157][157][157][157][157][157][157][157][157][157][158][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163]"
- 200 print" [208]lease enter the time [200][200][205][205][211][211][157][157][157][157][157][157]";
- 300 for x = 1 to 6
- 400 get a$(x):if a$(x)=""then goto 400
- 500 ifasc(a$(x))<48orasc(a$(x))>57 then goto 400
- 600 print a$(x);
- 700 next x
- 800 t$=a$(1)+a$(2)+a$(3)+a$(4)+a$(5)+a$(6)
- 900 if val(t$)>235959orval(t$)<000000orlen(t$)<>6 then goto 200
- 1000 if val(left$(t$,2))>23then goto 200
- 1100 if val(mid$(t$,3,2))>59then goto 200
- 1200 if val(right$(t$,2))>59then goto 200
- 1250 print:print" [208]ress a key to start clock."
- 1260 get l$:if l$ = "" then goto 1260
- 1300 ti$=t$
- 1310 print
- 1400 print tab(16)"[212]ime set.":for x = 1 to 2000:next x:print"[147]"
- 1500 print"[208]lug the wire into port #1 and close the door.";
- 1700 if peek(145)=255 then goto 1700
- 1800 print"[147][196]oor shut. [211]canning........."
- 1900 ifpeek(145)=247thengoto2100
- 2000 goto 3100
- 2100 ifpeek(56320)=111then goto 2300
- 2200 goto 1900
- 2300 print"[208]ressure pad depressed at ";ti$
- 2400 if peek(56320)=111thengoto 2400
- 2500 goto 1900
- 2600 rem
- 2700 rem *******************************
- 2800 rem * check! *
- 2900 rem *******************************
- 3000 rem
- 3100 b = b + 1
- 3200 q$=ti$
- 3300 print"[194]reak in no.";b;"started at ";q$
- 3400 ifpeek(145)=247thenprint"[194]reak in no.";b;"finished at ";ti$
- 3450 ifpeek(145)=247thenw=val(ti$)-val(q$):goto 4000
- 3500 ifpeek(56320)=111then goto 3700
- 3600 goto 3400
- 3700 print"[208]ressure pad depressed at ";ti$
- 3800 if peek(56320)=111thengoto 3800
- 3900 goto 3400
- 4000 print"[204]ength of break in was ";w:goto 4400
- 4100 goto 4300
- 4200 print"[204]ength of break in was ";w:goto 4400
- 4300 goto 3400
- 4400 goto 1900